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JCCAC’s 15th Anniversary Exhibition



A concise and unequivocal cry of “I’m Here!” kicks off the exhibition as a greeting, just like the artists declaring their existence with artworks. Together we meet and discover joy in art.
The exhibition showcases the artworks of over 40 artists, each consists of a distinctive expression of “existence”. Exhibits scattered around JCCAC, through the galleries and the common space on different floors, constructing a refreshing and powerful art experience for visitors. Various programmes including exhibition tours, art demonstrations, art sharing, live performances, workshops, movie screening and studio tours to be held during exhibition period encourages the public to participate and have fun, connecting the community with art. 
「我在!」( I'm Here!)
策展人Curator:梁兆基 Eric Leung
Exhibition Period and Opening Hours:
7 / 12 / 2023(18:00 開幕)
8 / 12 / 2023 – 14 / 1 / 2024(11:00 - 20:00)
地點 Venue:JCCAC藝廊及各樓層公共空間 JCCAC Galleries and common areas

"The Still Life Series" is a dynamic and ongoing artistic endeavor that evolves by progressively building upon itself. In this collection, I begin with fabrics that mimic the sheen of stainless steel to create the illusion of metallic objects. By breaking down the objects' composition and layering various tones of gray, I craft illusory still life scenes that are both deceptive and lifelike. My process involves three-dimensional cutting to replicate personal everyday items, transforming them into monochromatic gray "soft objects." These crafted pieces uniquely capture and reflect light when illuminated by a camera flash, emphasizing my exploration into the dismantling and reassembling of their structures.

"Still Life 2023 x90" is a distinctive piece within the series that dramatically enlarges objects to ninety times their original size. This work is intended to express my perceived virtuality in day-to-day existence and a sense of estrangement from tangible reality.


在「靜物2023: 90x」中,我將特定物件放大90倍,以此來傳達我對日常生活虛幻感受以及我與現實間的隔閡感。

Still Life 2023: 90X 
size variable

​@JCCAC L7 public space

IMG_1374 2.JPG


Photo courtesy of JCCAC

攝影師 Photographer: Conrad Leung

Instagram: jccac_artsvillage   




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